Daily Aquarius Horoscope November 19 (19/11)
Jan 20 − Feb 18
Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer
November 19
daily aquarius horoscope:
daily aquarius horoscope:
Star 9/10
Sometimes youre ahead, sometimes youre behind. The race is long and, in the end, its only with yourself. So went the lyrics to Baz Luhrmanns Everybodys Free (To Wear Sunscreen) written 20 years ago. Its the part about a race and how its with yourself that Im keen to draw your attention to. The sky is implying precisely that where a need on your part to prove yourself is concerned. Dont believe others cannot see how special you are and what you can offer.
Read more...Star 9/10
What might have worked in the past is unlikely to work in the same way again. Thats the first thing you should bear in mind where a plan is concerned. You might want a similar results but in light of different circumstances, youre going to have to adopt a different approach. A new way needs to be tried and this should be exciting you, not daunting you. Theres fun to be had and something valuable to be gained by deciding to pursue something differently. Do it with gusto.
Read more...Star 10/10
When two truly creative people click, they often do so superbly. Whether or not you believe yourself to be blessed with creative talents or artistic abilities, an opportunity is presenting itself for you and a certain person to create something wonderful together. A spirit of collaboration needs to be embraced as Mars in your sign links with imaginative Neptune this week. If you dont yet know the identity of someone who wants to create with you, then you will do shortly.
Read more...Star 10/10
During the first half of November, Mars enters your sign. Some people delight in having the planet of raw, crude energy assisting them. Others find its influence too intense. What youre likely to find is a noticeable willingness to take initiative where you might have felt unsure or lacking in confidence. During coming weeks, you have the equivalent of a celestial boot aimed at your posterior. This neednt be uncomfortable. In fact, it could precisely what youve been waiting for.
Read more...Star 9/10
When you feel unbalanced its a little more upsetting than it is for other people. For instance, when you break the routine in your exercise practice you tend to feel the effects quite strongly. You can use this sensitivity constructively. If you need to start a health practice and have trouble getting motivated, all you need to do is start and the energy rush you will get will make you want more right away. Use this momentum to build a health regimen.
Read more...Star 9/10
With so much focus on politics, it is easy to loose track of the daily wellness program we all need to keep in order to stay healthy and take advantage of the many privileges we have in our modern society. This is a good time to take stock of what you have and how you can put it to its best use. Take your body for example. Can it do all the things you dream of doing (realistically speaking)? Work at it - gently.
Read more...Star 10/10
If you have a lot of activities that require you to be alert, do them early in the week when you have more energy. The end of the week could be frustrating, and you dont always deal gracefully with such things. You could be so edgy that youre a walking accident waiting to happen. You know its time to settle down and relax.
Read more...Star 8/10
As Mars jogs into your sign from November 9, you may find your energy level tends to vacillate throughout the day. As this can be fairly common with this influence, you may find taking supplements to boost your brainpower and energy to be helpful. There can be a tendency to live more in your mind than your body, so exercises that allow for daily movement and a connection with the earth, such as doing yoga outdoors, walking, or hiking in nature can all have a positive effect on your mind/body system. Its something you might want to do regularly.
Read more...Star 7/10
Use your innate charm, and your most ingratiating behavior to twist your partner (current or prospective) around your little finger. This is one time when the right smile could get you anything you want, and the right words could get you even more. It is certainly worth turning on the charm today, as you will be successful in ways you could not have foreseen!
Read more...Star 10/10
You are at your most romantic, and are seeking to impress someone particularly dear to you. It is a good time to invite them around to your home, and create a caring and deeply nurturing environment where they can relax and just be utterly themselves. Allow the magic of the day to strengthen the bond between you and bring you both much happiness.
Read more...Star 9/10
Do you wonder why other people seem to know all about love but it remains a mystery to you? Talk to older friends or relatives in the beginning of the week who have been through the romantic trenches and come out on the other side. If they can still have hope, why cant you? Lying isnt really in your DNA over the weekend, but you dont have to be tactless. Giving someone a compliment wont kill you.
Read more...Star 7/10
A visit to your airy sign makes Mars quirkier than usual on November 8. You become a more experimental (and less forceful) lover, and youre best matched with someone whos willing to indulge your far-out passionate ideas. The Sun moves into freedom-loving Sagittarius on November 21, which is a natural match for you. You arent in a hurry to settle down, and this aspect gives you permission to extend your single days indefinitely. Mixed signals can be an unfortunate result of the New Moon/Neptune square on November 26, which could lead to embarrassing romantic encounters. Laugh it off if possible.
Read more...Star 10/10
You are extra sensitive and very susceptible to other peoples moods. If people are nervous wrecks around you, then you will share the same sentiment. Do your best not to fall into this trap. Maintain a mental separation between yourself and others.
Read more...Star 8/10
During the next weeks, you will find that rational thinking is not going to provide you with all the information you need to get ahead. It is important that you rely on your intuition. This is where you will find the true answers.
Read more...Star 8/10
This isnt the best time to ask your bank for a loan or credit in order to take your business to the next level. Theres a danger of mixed messages and crossed wires. There is also going to be activity in your joint financial zone that may bring too much tension to the surface - not good if you need to talk and think rationally. Wait until later for best results. Meanwhile, plan ahead!
Read more...Star 8/10
Youll finish a project that is close to your heart during the first half of November. Your performance will be so impressive that youll inspire someone to promote you to a better department or give you a plum position. This benefactor will work behind the scenes, so youll never be entirely sure of their identity. Youll be asked to participate in a group project around November 26. This assignment wont have sufficient funding, causing a great deal of frustration. If you can turn down this job, you probably should. There are worse things than being considered a bad team player.
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